Reliable COVID-19 News

A PathCheck Foundation Project

A repository of reliable information about COVID-19

Even news sources that one might believe are "trustworthy" often contain harmful misinformation about the pandemic. This is because journalists are not scientists, and can miss the nuances of how the pandemic works. To provide a source of reliable information, we have curated some sources that contain only high quality information. Using this site, you can search through articles exclusively from these high quality sources. Here is the list of sources we use:


About Us:

We are a group of volunteers who coordinate over the community at PathCheck. You can find us at PathCheck's slack workspace in the #_spike_fact_checking channel.

Code: This website is free software released under the Apache 2.0 license and available at

Venkat Arun
Venkat Arun

PhD Student, MIT

Ramya Bygari
Ramya Bygari

Data Scientist at Razorpay

Krishnendu Dasgupta
Krishnendu Dasgupta

Working in Public Health, Medical Imaging, Public policy, Federated Learning

Shanice Hudson
Shanice Hudson

Chair and Computational Biologist (PhD), Hood Medicine Initiative

Govind Jeevan
Govind Jeevan

Software Engineer, Visa

Agrima Seth
Agrima Seth

PhD Student, University of Michigan

Sethuraman TV
Sethuraman TV

ML Researcher, IIT-Madras

Sethuraman TV
Rohan Sukumaran

Deputy Director - Scientific Programs, DICE & Research Manager, PathCheck Foundation

Disclaimer: The service is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the creators, the maintainers or the PathCheck foundation be liable for any claim damages or other liability, whether in action of contract, tort of otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with this website.